It works great for many types of drink holders including mugs, bottles, cans or even travel mugs:
When you are not using it to hold a drink it can be folded up for a neat appearance:
Unfortunately I can no longer find this on Micro-Mark's website but a Google search reveals that there a many other variations on this design available for purchase from a variety of vendors.
Another very useful holder, also from Micro-Mark, is a holder for DCC controllers:
I have a TV in both my workshop and my train room and frequently misplace the remote control. It struck me recently that a holder for this would be useful too. I quickly designed a holder to fit my remote control and printed a couple on my 3D printer. I am very pleased with how this turned out:
Another very useful holder, also from Micro-Mark, is a holder for DCC controllers:
I have a TV in both my workshop and my train room and frequently misplace the remote control. It struck me recently that a holder for this would be useful too. I quickly designed a holder to fit my remote control and printed a couple on my 3D printer. I am very pleased with how this turned out: